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The Romney/Paul Alliance as Explained by Krauthammer!

If you have been wondering, as I have, why the two front-runners in the Republican primary are attacking everyone else except each other then look no further. The recent remarks by Charles Krauthammer explain everything.

I have been asking for some time why Ron Paul is working to get Mitt Romney elected. My suspicion was that Ron Paul had realized that he didn’t have chance of winning. So, he decided to make a deal with Romney in order to get some position in his administration. The VP slot seemed an unlikely prize, but maybe Ron Paul would get a cabinet position or something else.

When I saw the headline of a recent video with Charles Krauthammer proclaiming that Ron Paul has brought libertarianism out of the wilderness, I thought it might give some insight. Since I know that Krauthammer is a strong Romney supporter, I thought this might be a further confirmation of the Mitt Romney and Ron Paul collusion. Instead, I found that Krauthammer explained what Ron Paul is trying to accomplish:

He has a stable, energetic constituency. He’s not out for the presidency. He’s 76, he himself said he doesn’t see himself in the Oval Office. He is the leader of a movement. Or as he said last night, the cause. He is now the champion of a cause on the up-swing. He is going to stay in the race. He is not going to drop out. He’s going to end up in Tampa, with perhaps the second most delegates. He will be like Jesse Jackson was in the ’80s among the Democrats, and Buchanan was in ’92, leader of the eternal opposition. The man who brought libertarianism out of the wilderness — all those pathetic third-party runs — into a position at Tampa where he can negotiate for changes in policy and speaking role perhaps even on prime time. That is a historic achievement.

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January 12, 2012 at 12:36 pm
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