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The Ron Paul Chronicles: Huntsman’s Attack on the GOP’s Crazy Uncle

Ron Paul is one wacky guy, and his followers are even wackier. Much of the reason that Ron Paul has escaped scrutiny is that most people are afraid to bring forth the wrath of his kooky cult followers. To be sure, there are some legitimate libertarians who support him, but the vast outspoken majority of his supporters consist of 9-11 truthers and other various conspiracy theorists.

These people are crazy fanatics, and Huntsman is one brave soul for choosing to face the wrath of the cult of Paul. Sadly though, Jon Huntsman missed some of the wackier things that Ron Paul has said. As we showed in a previous post, Ron Paul admitted that he wouldn’t speak out about 9-11 because he couldn’t “handle the controversy.” There you have it. Ron Paul admits to being both a truther and a coward. So much for the courage of Ron Paul.

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January 6, 2012 at 3:35 am
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