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Matt Drudge Helps Mitt Romney Coordinate Attacks on Newt Gingrich

Today, Mitt Romney organized an attackapalooza on Newt Gingrich with great assistance from the republican establishment and their servants in the new media. How extensive was the attack? Well, the Drudge Report ran a linkapalooza of anti-Newt attacks, which the New York Times even pointed out were gross distortions (left-click the image to enlarge it to see the 12 links and 2 images against Newt).

Many others joined in, as noted by Politico: Elliott Abrams at the National Review accused the Newt Gingrich of repeatedly attacking President Ronald Reagan. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. wrote an article in the American Spectator, which linked Newt Gingrich’s infidelity to Bill Clinton and called them both 60s narcissists (For the record, Newt had an affair over a decade ago while separated and married the woman, while Clinton was a serial adulterer). They even brought out old 1996 loser, Bob Dole, to attack Newt (that might actually help him). A piece was written by the editors of National Review called “The Hour of Newt” (Is William F. Buckley turning in his grave yet?). Ann Coulter, who has become a regular Mitt Romney cheerleader, penned her obligatory attack piece entitled “Re-elect Obama, Vote Newt!” (How original?). FInally, they dragged out Tom Delay to declare “[Newt]’s not really a conservative.” (an obvious lie).

Considering the volume of attacks directed at Newt, it seems reasonable to assume that Mitt has been doling out the cash. The anti-Reagan line of attack, in particular, seemed directly coordinated with the ads that Mitt Romney has been running against Newt in Florida (see the video below). Ironically, Michael Reagan himself came out today in defense of Newt, and Newt’s campaign dug up a video of Nancy Reagan commenting that Reagan was passing the torch to Newt. This was bound to backfire on Romney.

The National Journal has more information on these attacks and some of the history of Gingrich and the other parties involved.

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January 27, 2012 at 12:39 am Comments (0)