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Watch Out for Gay Whopper’s “Special Sauce”

July 2, 2014 ( – Call it a marketing nightmare! What could possibly be less appetizing than a gay Whopper? Yet, that is exactly how Burger King is marketing its Proud Whopper in hopes of cashing in on business from 2% of the population.

There are well-known stories about food that is contaminated with bodily substances: the semen-laced yogurt and the salad bar with urine and feces. Burger King’s sandwiches have had some issues of their own: take the blue pill and just say “neigh” to horse meat. Ewww!

When people think of gay pride they think of parades–parades with gay guys prancing around naked and engaging in public sex acts. When people think of gay sex, they think about the infamous case of the cannibalistic serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer, who drilled holes in men’s heads in an attempt to turn them into zombie sex slaves. Being a cannibal means never having to ask, “Where’s the beef?”

Homosexuality and gay rights also brings to mind the case of Sheriff’s Deputy and gay rights activist, Jonathan Bleiweiss, who forced his “special sauce” into the mouths of 14 Hispanic immigrants. Or it brings to mind famous homosexuals, like George Michael, who was arrested for masturbating in a public bathroom and gay sex in public. Or how about the gay, pedophile puppeteer behind Sesame Street’s “tickle me” Elmo? Any way that you look at it, associating meat with homosexuals is not a winning marketing strategy for Burger King; no “special sauce” for me, thank you.

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July 2, 2014 at 1:19 pm
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