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WI Teachers Union Blows Cash, Lays Off Workers, and Blames Walker

If you have not seen it yet, there is a story from the Associated Press about the Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC) laying off 42 workers and blaming Walker’s budget bill: ‘Wisconsin Education Association Council executive director Dan Burkhalter said the laying off of 42 workers resulted from what he called Walker’s “union-busting” bill.’

If you read further along in the story (where the liberal media hides the real content) you find that the WEAC has been on quite a spending spree: “Lobbying reports released last week showed that in 2009 and 2010, at a time when Democrats were in control of the Legislature and the governor’s office, WEAC spent $2.5 million twisting the arms of lawmakers, more than any other group.”

That’s right, they spent 2.5 million on lobbying in the previous two years, but it gets even better. Since Walker signed his budget, the WEAC spent half a million dollars taking revenge on the Republicans who voted for it: “[The WEAC] has reported spending $500,000 in support of Democratic candidates in this summer’s recall elections.” So, we’re supposed to feel pity for them after they have blown piles of cash in an effort to waste more of Wisconsin’s money on recalls.

It bears repeating that the protests at the Capitol, that they took part in, cost Wisconsin taxpayers over 8 million dollars. The recall elections and the useless recount in the Wisconsin Supreme Court race, which they supported, cost untold amounts of money for Wisconsin taxpayers. It’s obvious that these unions have no idea what the rest of the country is going through during these tough economic times, but 42 of them are about to find out.

August 16, 2011 at 12:25 am
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