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Battering Lesbians: the Sarah Bray Case

November 22, 2013 ( – The full story of Sarah Bray’s phony discrimination charges were explained in detail in this previous article. She claimed that her lesbian lover, Jennifer Clemmer, had tried to commit suicide, and that a Catholic hospital was denying her the right to visit Clemmer because she was gay. It was yet another case of a lesbian making phony discrimination charges, but this story had an even bigger twist: when Clemmer finally became conscious in the hospital, she told the police that Bray had been physically abusing her.

Subsequently, Bray was arrested and remains in prison. Clemmer has expressed that she now fears for her life. Meanwhile, the director of GetEqual Indiana, David Stevens, says, “Oops” and walks away, after whipping up a media firestorm against the hospital that was saved Clemmer’s life. (Don’t ever expect an apology from a gay activist.)

As incredible as all that is, there is an interesting psychological element to this story of a physically abusive lesbian. The relevant part of that story in the Detroit Free Press is this:

When Clemmer returned home at about 10:30 p.m., she said Bray was sitting on the living-room couch with her sons.

“The boys were instructed not to say anything about what is going to happen,” Bray told Clemmer, according to documents.

That’s when Bray allegedly lunged at Clemmer.

Clemmer said Bray dragged her to the ground by her shirt, struck her about five times in the head and neck with a closed fist, grabbed her by the hair and slammed her face into the wood floor, according to documents. The boys witnessed the attack, the affidavit said.

During the incident, Bray said, “So you always want to be the victim, do ya? … You don’t know abuse, I’ve endured abuse my whole life,” Clemmer told investigators, documents said.

Clemmer said she ran toward the bathroom and took six muscle relaxers she had in her pocket to help relieve the pain, according to documents. She collapsed halfway to the bathroom, however, and later woke up in a hospital bed. Documents said Clemmer had scratches and bruises all over her body.

Physical abuse among lesbians is a well-known and common occurrence. This is not surprising if you understand the causes of lesbianism, which are explained in this article. As mentioned, the overriding character trait is anger, and the psychological history is one of abuse.

It is difficult to imagine the degree of rage that Sarah Bray had when she planned this all out. As the story indicates, the entire attack was premeditated, but the description sounds like Bray erupted in a fit of rage. That kind of control and calculation indicates a very deep unquenchable anger that few people can hold. It is like the rage of a serial killer, but such is the rage of a lesbian.

The other thing that characterizes lesbians is a pattern of prior abuse. Sarah Bray is a classic case, as she says, “You don’t know abuse, I’ve endured abuse my whole life.” This is lesbianism in a nutshell.

Unfortunately, this is how lesbians live. Their use as political tool ensures that activists and politicians will continue to block efforts to help treat their psychological problems and will, instead, try to convince them that they are “born this way.”

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November 23, 2013 at 12:52 am Comments (5)

The Lesbian Discrimination Story That Wasn’t

Indianapolis, November 22, 2013 ( – When the story first broke about Sarah Bray and her lesbian partner in an Indianapolis hospital, the news media was full of headlines like these: “Same-sex partner barred from Indiana hospital” and “Sarah Bray Was Barred From Seeing Her Partner in the Hospital, But She’s Still Fighting For Her Rights.” Sarah Bray was making her rounds in the media; gay groups and blogs were electrified with indignation.

The story, as it was first reported, was that Sarah Bray’s partner had been found unconscious in their home after a suicide attempt. After bringing her partner to the Catholic hospital, Franciscan St. Francis Health in Indianapolis, Sarah was reportedly barred from visiting her.

The partner, Jennifer Clemmer, was in the process of adopting Bray’s children and was engaged to Bray after a relationship that was roughly half of a year long. Given that, gay groups concluded that the central problem in this whole story was that this suicidal woman, who was in a six-month relationship, was not able to get married in her home state.

It was the perfect gay story about an “evil,” “hateful,” Catholic hospital forbidding gay love from flourishing. The only problem was that it was not true.

Shortly after this story was printed by Fox 59, they added an update at the bottom of the story, which included this message from the hospital: “Contrary to the reports and social media comments, the significant other of the patient has been granted visitation with the patient regularly since her admission to Franciscan St. Francis.” Then this similar story appeared corroborate that update: “Same-sex partner able to visit patient, contrary to partner’s claims, Indianapolis hospital says.” Despite all of this, Bray was still talking to the media and still accusing the hospital of discrimination.

Yes, Sarah Bray lied and repeatedly made false accusations against the hospital, but the story took an even darker turn as it was revealed that Jennifer Clemmer was in the hospital as a result of domestic abuse, rather than suicide:

Clemmer said Bray dragged her to the ground by her shirt, struck her about five times in the head and neck with a closed fist, grabbed her by the hair and slammed her face into the wood floor, according to documents. The boys witnessed the attack, the affidavit said.

As of today, Sarah Bray remains in jail, and it is Jennifer Clemmer’s fear that is keeping her there:

Bray, 34, who appeared during a bond review hearing this morning, is charged with battery and criminal confinement. The charges came after her live-in partner, Jennifer Clemmer, told investigators that Bray assaulted her after an argument about house cleaning, according to a probable cause affidavit.

Marion County Deputy Prosecutor Chris Kozelichki said Clemmer, who has since been released from the hospital, fears for her safety from Bray.

This is a lesbian love story.

It is odd how blinded people can be by their prejudice. Here we have gay groups claiming hatred on the part Catholics, who were desperately saving the life of the very person who they were accused of hating.

Sadly, while carrying out their Christian work and saving this suicidal, lesbian woman’s life, these Catholics were tormented by the groups who claim to care more about her than they do. The truth is that now that this story is no longer politically useful to these gay groups, Jennifer Clemmer will cease to exist in their minds, except as a story that they can not too soon forget.

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November 22, 2013 at 1:37 pm Comment (1)

Gay Activist Jokes About the Mass Slaughter of Babies!

SYDNEY, November 6, 2013 ( – Apparently, among homosexuals, the mass killing of innocent babies is comedy gold. In the video clip below, homosexual advocate Dan Savage proposes killing all babies for the next 30 years as the ultimate solution to the world’s ills.

Perhaps the most disturbing part is that the crowd applauds and laughs at this gay man’s proposal to kill millions of babies. I had to wonder if the crowd would have found it just as humorous to have someone propose killing homosexuals for the next 30 years. I wonder how they would have received that “dangerous idea.” I wonder how that would have suited Dan Savage’s “darker moments.”

Are you amused?

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November 8, 2013 at 9:29 am Comments (2)

7 Reasons Why You Are Not “Born This Way”

Despite Lady Gaga and her song about being “born this way,” the fact of the matter is that homosexuality is not a genetic trait. There are many sensible reasons why, but I will stick with some of the most obvious ones.

1. Homosexuality is the single worst evolutionary adaptation ever.

There has never been any legitimate science behind the notion of innate homosexuality. However, there is strong evidence that homosexuality is not genetic. If there was a “gay gene,” it would rank somewhere above the “suicide gene” as the worst evolutionary adaption ever; those with a “suicide gene” might at least reproduce before they make their exit. For homosexuals, there are no offspring to speak of. Even if you grant that some might “accidentally” reproduce, the trend would knock any such gene out within a few generations.

What about recessive traits? That is what I meant by “accidental” reproduction. Most recessive genes, like blue eyes, feature a trait that is may get carried on without appearing. However, blue eyes continue in the gene pool because, unlike homosexuality, they do not prevent reproduction. If you draw out or calculate a genealogy tree with homosexual traits in it, you will see that any “gay gene” disappears almost instantly, even as a recessive trait.

2. Homosexuality is just one of many numerous sexual proclivities.

The myriad of sexual behaviors within humans is vast and involves most anything with which someone could think to have sexual relations: inanimate objects of many types, plants, animals, groups of people, groups of animals, etc. For sexuality, if there is a way, there is a will, and someone will inevitably try what most could not imagine.

Jeffery Dahmer, the infamous gay serial killer, spent years trying to turn men into sexual zombie slaves (Although he always failed and killed the men in the process). There are some men who have engaged in cannibalism to fulfill a sexual desire; oddly, there have been such “relationships” that were mutually consensual. There are pedophiles, necrophiles, flashers, peeping toms, and zoophiles, along with countless others, and those are just the ones that are popular enough to have a name for them. Suffice it to say that there are no bounds to sexual appetite, and none of these behaviors is said to be genetic, except homosexuality.

Why would a guy having sex with a man be genetic, while a guy having sex with a horse or a corpse is not? It makes no sense. There are many people, like the former president Bill Clinton, who seem unable to control themselves and their sexual appetite. However, no one believes this to be genetic. We have no philanderer movement to protect their “right” to sleep around.

3. Sexual Orientation is not binary.

If there is a “gay gene,” why do bisexuals exist? If homosexuals are “born that way,” how do people become bisexuals? Do they have the infamous “gay gene” or do they not? The truly odd aspect of the “born that way” line is that it was popularized by the singer, Lady Gaga, who is a self-professed bisexual.

4. Homosexuals frequently switch sexual orientations.

Changes of sexual orientation happen all the time. Some of the more well-known examples of this are Elton John and George Michael. Gay activists will attribute this to sexual repression, but that makes no sense. In particular, George Michael admits that he slept with countless women while he was in the band “Wham!” and that he was sexually attracted to them.

In that same article, George Michael even admits that his environment caused his homosexuality. It is a classic case:

In my case it was a nurture thing, via the absence of my father who was always busy working. It meant I was exceptionally close to my mother. All of my early sexual fantasies were straight and totally readable.

It is from these changes in sexual orientation that some people come see themselves as bisexual.

5. Homosexuality fits a psychological pattern.

The pattern is well-documented: For men it is an absent father and overbearing mother. For women, it is usually an abusive father. We have described these patterns in detail here. You can read George Michael’s description of his situation above. Otherwise, you can listen to Giuseppe Povia’s song “Luca Era Gay” here.

6. Homosexuality fits a social pattern.

Homosexuality, like any other behavior, does not have exactly one cause. In addition to the psychological pattern described above, homosexuality has a social cause that is distinct and direct. Namely, homosexuals tend to be college educated and upper class. Those two factors are closely related.

There are professions that attract homosexuals–men in particular: dancing, fashion design, hair dressers, etc. This can be attributed to the general psychological factors that influence homosexuality. However, there is social pattern of recruitment that exists and is more deliberate.

Universities routinely teach and advocate for homosexuality. Humanities courses encourage homosexuality and sometimes even handout gay porn as course work. The “art” of Robert Mapplethorpe was made known to many outside the university because of the controversy that arose from his work, but there are many other “artists” and “writers” whose “art” likewise encourages homosexuality. The university system has largely been taken over by homosexual activists, particularly the humanities.

7. Homosexuality is promoted for population control.

This last reason addresses the “why” behind the promotion of homosexuality. That is, homosexuality is promoted as biological in order to reduce reproduction. Unfortunately, the victims of this movement are the homosexuals who are convinced that they will remain homosexual because of their genetic makeup and are, consequently, denied the love and support of a family of their own.

The population control movement grew out of the 1960s and 1970s environmental movement. The belief that grew out of that movement enveloped many psychologists who developed a multipronged strategy for reducing birth rates. These involved homosexuality and abortion, as well as many other minor assaults on the family.

In the 1960s, the environmental movement was taking shape with the express view that mankind was the ultimate problem on the face of the Earth. Many scientists wrote environmental tracts to this effect, but none was more prominent and clear than the 1968 book “The Population Bomb,” by Stanford University professor Paul Ehrlich. After that, the environmental celebrated its first “Earth Day” in 1970. A few years later, in 1973, the American Psychiatric Association declassified homosexuality as a mental disorder. That same year, the Supreme Court made legal abortion the law of the land via the “Roe versus Wade” decision.

All of this was deliberate and aimed removing as much of the human race as possible from the face of the Earth. For homosexuals, this political movement is meant to trap them into the “lifestyle” with the mantra that they are “born this way.” For mothers, the feminist objective is to make them see motherhood as so negative that they are willing to kill their babies. Sadly, both of these objectives have left many people in pain with enormous regrets; in fact, “Jane Roe” of “Roe versus Wade” fame came to regret her part in the abortion movement and has spent much of her life fighting to undo the damage that her court decision engendered.

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September 3, 2013 at 1:41 pm Comments (10)

What Gay Advocates Fear Most!

There is nothing more frightening to a lie than the truth. The song “Luca Era Gay” by Giuseppe Povia, which reached #3 on the charts in Italy, is full of truths about homosexuality. It’s an awesome sounding song too. The English lyrics are listed below the video.

Unfortunately, there are many people whose political careers depend on keeping people in the gay life-style. This song exposes the fact that homosexuality is the result of psychological dysfunction that can be repaired, so that homosexuals are able to lead a happy, fulfilled life surrounded by a family of people who truly love them.

If you or someone you know struggles with homosexuality and needs help, contact the people at ex-homosexual through Jesus Christ. There you can see many testimonials of people who have overcome homosexuality, and you can talk to people who have been through it. You are not alone.

Luca once was gay,
but he is with her today.
When he speaks,
he holds his heart in his hands.
Luca says,
“I am a different man.”

Luca says,
“Before I talk about my change in sexuality,
let me make one thing clear:
If I believe in God,
I can’t depend on human beings for my answers.
Human thought on this is so divided.
So, I didn’t go to psychologists, psychiatrists, priests, or scientists.
I went to my past and dug deep
and found out so much about myself.”

My mother loved me–too much
a love that became obsessive
full of her convictions.
I couldn’t breathe for her need of my attention.
My father was a man who didn’t make decisions.
I could never talk to him.
He was at work all day long.
Although, I suspected the truth was a little different.

In fact, when I was twelve
my mom told him she wanted a separation.
I didn’t understand,
but my father said,
“Yeah, that’s the right decision.”
And after that, he started drinking.

My mom never had a good word to say about my dad.
She used to tell me,
“Whatever you do, don’t get married.”
She was jealous of my girlfriends–
So, unhealthy.
And my identity was never more confused.

Luca once was gay,
but he is with her today.
When he speaks,
he holds his heart in his hands.
Luca says,
“I am a different man.”

Today, I am a different man,
but back than I needed answers.
I was so ashamed,
I did my searching in secret.
There were people who told me,
It’s natural,
but I studied Freud
and he didn’t see it that way.

I got through high school,
still not knowing what happiness was.
An older man made my heart race.
That’s when I thought, “I’m homosexual.”
With him, I didn’t hold back.
He showered me with attention,
and I thought it was love.

Sure, with him I could be myself,
but then sex became a competition.
I felt like I was the guilty one.
I figured they’d catch him sooner or later,
but I could make the truth disappear so he wouldn’t get in trouble.
I looked for men who would be my father.
I went with men to not betray my mother.

Luca once was gay,
but he is with her today.
When he speaks,
he holds his heart in his hands.
Luca says,
“I am a different man.”

Luca once was gay,
but he is with her today.
When he speaks,
he holds his heart in his hands.
Luca says,
“I am a different man.”

Luca says,
“For 4 years,
I lived with another man
sometimes love,
sometimes deceit,
cheating on each other often.

I was still searching for my truth–
that great eternal love.
Then one night I met her
there in a crowd of people.
She knew nothing of what I was going through.
Yet, she listened to me,
undressed me, understood me.

All I remember is
the next day, I missed her.
So, that’s my story
only my story
no sickness, no healing.

Dad, I’ve forgiven you,
even though you never came back.
Mom, I think about you all the time,
and I’ve never stopped caring.
Sometimes, I still see your face,
but I’m a father now.
And my heart belongs to the only woman I have ever truly loved.

Luca once was gay,
but he is with her today.
When he speaks,
he holds his heart in his hands.
Luca says,
“I am a different man.”

Luca once was gay,
but he is with her today.
When he speaks,
he holds his heart in his hands.
Luca says,
“I am a different man.”

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August 23, 2013 at 9:30 pm Comments (2)

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