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Why Christian Boycotts Could Destroy Angie’s List and Apple


Indianapolis, IN, April 3, 2015 (AcuteMania.Net) — After the governor of Indiana, Mike Pence, signed the recent religious freedom bill into law (Religious Freedom Restoration Act, or RFRA for short), gay activists and their sympathizers threatened the state with boycotts and a few companies threatened to pull their business out of the state.

Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple who recently announced that he is gay, attacked the law furiously; this is not surprising considering that Apple has removed Christian Apps from its App Store in the past. Angie’s List, a local business review website, also threatened to cancel a new expansion in Indiana.

In response, the FRC and the AFA have called for conservatives to boycott Angie’s List and many conservative media outlets have picked up the story. Some people will claim that boycotts do not work, but this one could be particularly devastating.

Angie’s List relies on reviews to create content. This could make the situation for Angie’s List very problematic in Indiana, where they have attacked the state, but also in other conservative states. If people refuse to review services and companies for Angie’s List, the company will no longer have a functional business model.

Likewise, even though Apple has probably angered Christians in the past, this issue is likely to add fuel to the fire. This is something that Christians will not soon forget. Christians may have been unwilling to use economic threats in the past. However, Christians now understand that companies like Apple will extend no such courtesy to them.

Apple and Angie’s List are particularly vulnerable to boycotts because they both rely heavily on their brand. Apple has always charged excessively for its products, and it has been able to do so because of the perceived value of its brand. Once that magic is lost, it is lost forever. Likewise, Angie’s List exists on the belief in the unbiased quality of its reviews. With the company’s bias now revealed, its reviews will lose their magic.

Christian boycotts are particularly bad because Christians are very dedicated people. Their boycotts are not like Elton John’s boycott, which failed within a day. Their good opinion once lost is lost forever, and they will not be back.

At this point, Apple has tons of money and market share. However, its tablet is already losing sales revenue. Its phone has viable, and cheaper, competitors, like the Android and Windows devices. So, the question really comes down to whether Christians are serious about a boycott. If so, oxygen pouring into the competition could give it enough power to defeat Apple at some point in the future.

Even if a boycott does not destroy a company, it can definitely hasten a decline as it is doing with the Firefox browser.

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April 3, 2015 at 9:34 pm Comments (0)

Ayn Rand Explains Objectivism; Milton Friedman Explains Capitalism

In this 1959 interview, Ayn Rand talks about her philosophy and explains the principles behind Objectivism. This Mike Wallace interview, which occurred just a few years after “Atlas Shrugged” was published, shows how liberal journalists use loaded statements and questions to launch attacks.

He begins by misstating the name of her philosophy as “Randism.” Surely, Mike Wallace knows that her philosophy is called “Objectivism.” The use of her name is intended to imply her philosophy is her subjective opinion and undercut the idea that it is objective. Ayn Rand quickly corrects him and explains the basic precepts, but Mike Wallace returns with “you like a certain kind of Ayn Randist selfishness.”

Next, Mike Wallace goes on to say “What is wrong with loving your fellow man? Christ, every important moral leader in history, has taught us that we should love one another. Why then is this kind of love, in your mind, immoral?” Aside from the obvious phoney bandwagon argument about “every important moral leader,” this loaded statement really comes out of nowhere. Ayn Rand didn’t say anything about love; she was talking about altruism and self-sacrifice.

Mike Wallace continues the “interview” with more of the same, and Ayn Rand does an excellent job of explaining her philosophy. It would have been nice to see her challenge Mike Wallace’s fallacious statements more. However, she was probably more interested in explaining her philosophy than she was in beating back the communist onslaught.

What should Ayn Rand have said to Mike Wallace? This clip below of Phil Donahue interviewing Milton Friedman demonstrates the method perfectly. Watch as Donahue loads up his “question” on capitalism and greed only to have utterly deflated as Milton Friedman counters with, “Is there some society that you know of that doesn’t run on greed?”

When speaking to liberals, always question the premise. Also, take note of the manner in which Phil Donahue asked his question. He spent about 25 seconds to ask a simple question about whether Milton Friedman ever had any doubts.

The question itself takes a few seconds to state. However, Donahue stretches it out to set the trap and and make his attack. The inherent implication of the question is that capitalism and greed are the cause of misery in the world, but Milton Friedman quickly knocks down that fallacy. That is how it is done!

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July 6, 2012 at 1:23 am Comments (2)

Remy’s Funny “Free Speech Song”

It’s Remy’s latest song on the freedom of speech, created for This incredible song shows Remy’s amazing versatility. He has performed song in many styles and genres. Not only is his music good, but the songs and videos are hilarious.

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November 2, 2011 at 4:10 pm Comments (0)