Herman Cain’s Powerful New Ad: “High Tech Lynching”
Here”s a powerful new ad from the Herman Cain campaign that takes the fight to the left-wing media with the prophetic words that were uttered by Clarence Thomas during his confirmation hearing for the Supreme Court: “it is a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves.”
By the way, there is still no word from the left-wing media about what Herman Cain is alleged to have done. So far, we know how many women there are. We know their ages. We know the values of their settlements. We know when the charges were made. We know almost everything, and still no one in the liberal media can tell us what Herman Cain has been accused of doing. Can this be because the allegations are so banal as to kill the story immediately?
November 4, 2011 at 3:17 pm Comments (0)