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Herman Cain’s Powerful New Ad: “High Tech Lynching”

Here”s a powerful new ad from the Herman Cain campaign that takes the fight to the left-wing media with the prophetic words that were uttered by Clarence Thomas during his confirmation hearing for the Supreme Court: “it is a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves.”

By the way, there is still no word from the left-wing media about what Herman Cain is alleged to have done. So far, we know how many women there are. We know their ages. We know the values of their settlements. We know when the charges were made. We know almost everything, and still no one in the liberal media can tell us what Herman Cain has been accused of doing. Can this be because the allegations are so banal as to kill the story immediately?

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November 4, 2011 at 3:17 pm Comments (0)

Liberal Media Continues to Lynch Herman Cain, Rand Paul Defends

Now the left-wing Washington Post is running this story about how one of the women who accused Herman Cain of some non-sexual, but offensive nonetheless, “gesture” wants to come forward and tell her side of the story. Of course, she’s bound by her non-disclosure agreement. How convenient?

This the perfect liberal lynching technique. They get to accuse Herman Cain of unspecified acts of sexual harassment from an unseen accuser who supposedly desperately wants to tell her side of the story. Yes, this poor woman would like to get the truth out, but she sold herself to the National Restaurant Association like a common street trollop instead. Now, she’s forbidden to speak.

If only the National Restaurant Association would release these women from their confidentiality agreements and allow them to speak, then we could learn the truth, the story goes. Of course, the National Restaurant Association only settled with these women to avoid bad press. So, the liberal media knows that no release is going to happen.

However, Herman Cain found an ally today in Ron Paul’s son, Rand Paul, who was previously the subject of a leftist media smear campaign himself:

In my election, I had an anonymous girl from college — who I still don’t know — make accusations against me. I don’t think you should print stuff like that. To libel someone’s character and not put your name on it, I think is inappropriate and shouldn’t be printed.

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November 1, 2011 at 5:40 pm Comments (0)

Herman Cain Addresses the Press and the Sexual Harassment “Witch Hunt”

At the height of the recent allegations against Herman Cain, he addressed the Press at the The National Press Club on Monday afternoon on October 31, 2011.

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October 31, 2011 at 9:48 pm Comments (0)

Did Politico Purposely Make a Racist Smear Against Herman Cain?

The Politico is running a story that claims Herman Cain raped two women while he was the head of the National Restaurant Association . . . wait, make that sexually assaulted . . . no, make that sexually harassed . . . no, wait he allegedly made “physical gestures that were not overtly sexual” toward to two women. Ah, that’s very clear. Now they want him to answer for anonymous charges that they won’t even describe. Here’s the smear story.

This reminds me of the phony sexual harassment charges that were brought up against Clarence Thomas when he was appointed to the Supreme Court. It also reminds me of the outright lies that were told about Sarah Palin’s baby. And how about the recent Washington Post smear against Marco Rubio? It seems that any person who rises to a position of power on the right, who isn’t a white man, gets an obligatory phony smear by the “tolerant” liberal press.

Now the author of the Politico’s smear, Jonathan Martin, says he’s “just not going to get into the details” of the story. Nice one, Politico. Make allegations and then refuse to substantiate them with details.

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October 31, 2011 at 12:27 pm Comments (0)