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Stocks Plunge on Limbaugh Pullout

In the fight over Rush Limbaugh’s recent remarks, who is really getting hurt? A number of advertisers have pulled out of Rush Limbaugh’s show in order to teach him a lesson about watching what he says on the air. As the charts below show, they are the ones who are getting a lesson.

Carbonite has been particularly outspoken against Limbaugh, and their stock price has dropped over 10% since they pulled their ads from his show. Several other sponsors have also done so. Of the publicly traded companies that have pulled out, there is a similar pattern; Carbonite, AOL, Citrix, and Select Comfort have all seen serious price drops in the last two days since last friday. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Carbonite dropped from about $9.40 to $8.40:

AOL dropped from about $17.80 to $17.00:

Citrix dropped from about $75.50 to $71.80:

Select Comfort dropped from about $30.00 to $28.80:

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March 6, 2012 at 7:50 pm Comments (20)