It difficult to say who started the sexual harassment smear campaign against Herman Cain, but it’s obvious today that the republican establishment is fully on board with it. Since yesterday, Bill Bennett, Karl Rove, and Mitt Romney have piled on and sanctioned the smears against Herman Cain. It’s clear at this point that the republican establishment is trying its best to destroy the Tea Party via its representative, Herman Cain.
Yesterday, Bill Bennett wrote an article entitled “Cain must confront sex harassment issue,” where he stated:
It is no longer insignificant. Neither is it insignificant that the Cain campaign discounted the charges in the initial stories, saying they were based on anonymous sources, only to make a mockery by blaming other campaigns with less substantiation than the original stories.
Today, Karl Rove did his best to make the charges seem credible in an interview on Foxs News, where he asserted the following:
Credibility matters here. And Gloria Allred, while she is a Democrat and a liberal Democrat and openly so — nonetheless, has been involved in a number of high profile cases like Tiger Woods and others where the charges have been borne out.
Not to be outdone, Mitt Romney lent what little credibility his words have to the charges in an interview for ABC, stating,
These are serious allegations, George, and they’re going to have to be addressed seriously. I don’t have any counsel for Herman Cain or for his campaign, they have to take their own counsel on this.
This is an intesting turn of events, since we now know that the woman leveling the charges of sexual harassment against Herman Cain, Sharon Bialek, has an incredibly shady past, filled with multiple bankruptcies and a failed paternity suit against a media executive (the media might take a closer look at that if they aren’t too busy trying to destroy Cain). Those of us who are conservative and members of the Tea Party should understand one thing about this whole saga: It has almost nothing to do with Herman Cain and everything to do with destroying conservatives and the Tea Party.