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Is Donald Trump Secretly Helping Hillary Clinton?

Trump and Hillary

When Donald Trump first began his run for the presidency, it came to light that Hillary Clinton attended his wedding. Then it came out that Donald Trump called the Clintons to talk just before he started his run for the presidency in August 2015. All of this was quite suspicious, but when I saw this video of Trump praising Clinton’s performance as Secretary of State and supporting a potential run for the presidency, something hit me–a flashback to earlier times–Bill Clinton’s presidential races in the 1990s.

It occurred to me that Trump has also run or talked about running for president before, but he didn’t run in 2012. He talked about it, and seemed to have the election locked up at one time. That was a little odd because Clinton did not run in 2012 either. It makes sense that Clinton didn’t run because the democrats had a sitting presidential candidate. However, there is no similar reason that Trump didn’t run as a republican, especially with the lead that he had in the polls.


Then another thought came to me from decades past. When Bill Clinton ran in 1992 and 1996, Ross Perot also ran. Isn’t it strange how fortune seems to shine on the Clintons and hands them a crazy billionaire candidate to split the vote and help them win? How odd it is that these candidates never spring up otherwise.

That isn’t all. In 1992 when Ross Perot ran, he also dropped out of the race for a while, right after Bill Clinton accepted the nomination and was riding high in the polls. He jumped back in later, perhaps when Clinton failed to dominate the race. In the end, Perot got 19% of the vote gave Clinton the election by running a conservative, populist campaign. He did the same in 1996 for Bill Clinton’s reelection.

Hillary Clinton explained her relationship to Donald Trump his way.

For conservatives who are thinking about voting for Trump, there is a great deal to consider. Donald Trump has a long history of supporting liberals and liberal causes.

The video below is a set of clips of liberal statements by Trump that has been collected by an opposition PAC. It is bound to create serious doubts issues for conservatives.

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January 24, 2016 at 9:46 pm Comments (0)

Michael Brown: Another “Innocent” Black Victim of White Police

Ferguson, MO, August 15, 2014 ( – It never fails. Every time that a black “youth” is killed by a white person, a riot erupts and politicians come out to exploit the situation. The case of Michael Brown is only too typical.

Not surprisingly, the guy turns out to be a violent crook (Click the image or the video below to see him in action). Most of us with any sense already guessed as much. However, this time the race baiters managed to get some high-profile libertarians on board.

Rand Paul probably destroyed what was left of his presidential potential when he wrote an op-ed for Time that began thus:

The shooting of 18-year-old Michael Brown is an awful tragedy that continues to send shockwaves through the community of Ferguson, Missouri and across the nation.

If I had been told to get out of the street as a teenager, there would have been a distinct possibility that I might have smarted off. But, I wouldn’t have expected to be shot.

Would you have also assaulted people and robbed a store beforehand, Rand?

Rand Paul wasn’t the only one. Erick Erickson at Red State penned this sentimental drivel on his website:

The police officer claims Mr. Brown tried to take the police officer’s gun. Witnesses disagree. What is undisputed is by the time you read this Mr. Brown, who worked his way through a bleak high school education in Ferguson, MO, would be in a college classroom. He defied the odds of many young black men, graduated from high school, and would have started college last week had he been alive. But he failed to beat the odds of young black men having bad encounters with police.

Was he going to college before or after his prison term, Erick?

These obscene stories about the innocence of black thugs who get killed is typical of leftist political operatives. Now that Rand and Erick have been shown to be ignorant and wrong, they owe the police and the people who backed them a huge apology.

Rand Paul, you can forget 2016. You are done.

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August 15, 2014 at 3:04 pm Comments (0)