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Is Donald Trump Secretly Helping Hillary Clinton?

Trump and Hillary

When Donald Trump first began his run for the presidency, it came to light that Hillary Clinton attended his wedding. Then it came out that Donald Trump called the Clintons to talk just before he started his run for the presidency in August 2015. All of this was quite suspicious, but when I saw this video of Trump praising Clinton’s performance as Secretary of State and supporting a potential run for the presidency, something hit me–a flashback to earlier times–Bill Clinton’s presidential races in the 1990s.

It occurred to me that Trump has also run or talked about running for president before, but he didn’t run in 2012. He talked about it, and seemed to have the election locked up at one time. That was a little odd because Clinton did not run in 2012 either. It makes sense that Clinton didn’t run because the democrats had a sitting presidential candidate. However, there is no similar reason that Trump didn’t run as a republican, especially with the lead that he had in the polls.


Then another thought came to me from decades past. When Bill Clinton ran in 1992 and 1996, Ross Perot also ran. Isn’t it strange how fortune seems to shine on the Clintons and hands them a crazy billionaire candidate to split the vote and help them win? How odd it is that these candidates never spring up otherwise.

That isn’t all. In 1992 when Ross Perot ran, he also dropped out of the race for a while, right after Bill Clinton accepted the nomination and was riding high in the polls. He jumped back in later, perhaps when Clinton failed to dominate the race. In the end, Perot got 19% of the vote gave Clinton the election by running a conservative, populist campaign. He did the same in 1996 for Bill Clinton’s reelection.

Hillary Clinton explained her relationship to Donald Trump his way.

For conservatives who are thinking about voting for Trump, there is a great deal to consider. Donald Trump has a long history of supporting liberals and liberal causes.

The video below is a set of clips of liberal statements by Trump that has been collected by an opposition PAC. It is bound to create serious doubts issues for conservatives.

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January 24, 2016 at 9:46 pm Comments (0)

With a Kiss, Colbert Betrays Hillary Clinton

August 10, 2014 ( – An invitation to appear on Colbert’s show and crack a few jokes seems like a great opportunity to humanize a political candidate. That must have been what Hillary was thinking when she choose to go on the show. However, Stephen Colbert and his democrat allies had another plan. Watch the video below.

Did you notice it? You can see Hillary smiling and counting the votes in her head as she parrots each spoon fed line. Colbert is smiling for a different reason. He knows that he has just landed a devastating blow to the Hillary 2016 campaign.

Recently, Hillary came under fire for saying that she was “dead broke” when Bill left office–in a year that her and Bill made 12 million dollars. She was trying to imply that she understood the situation of struggling Americans in this weak economy. However, the whole episode blew up on her, and she wound up saying that she regretted the remark.

The worst thing that can happen to a presidential candidate is to appear out of touch. Bill Clinton was famous for saying, “I feel your pain.” In 2012, Obama polled worse than Romney on the economy, but he was ahead on the empathy questions. When it comes to candidates for the democrat party, empathy is only issue of importance.

That explains why this comedy segment is so devastating. Fresh off the “dead broke” comment, Hillary gets into a fight over who has the most powerful friends, and she falls right into character so naturally. Most people who are watching this will come away thinking, “How obnoxious can she be?”

Democrat strategy insiders like to construct caricatures of their opponents. For Hillary, the caricature of being “out of touch” is very easy to create because it is so true to life. It is obvious from this and numerous other attacks that many in democrat party hate Hillary.

The question is “What are these democrats looking for?” Is there another Barak Obama set to steal the stage in 2016? Has the democrat party realized that 2016 won’t work and that they will have to look to 2020 for a winner? Maybe democrat insiders just hate Hillary and don’t care what happens to the party.

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August 10, 2014 at 8:28 pm Comment (1)

Biden Plays Jester – Watch the Entire VP Debate Here!

Send in the clown; in the Biden/Ryan Vice Presidential debate on Thursday night, Joe Biden decided to play the role of the Joker. He entered onto the stage with a Texas-sized grin that displayed a huge set of unnaturally white teeth. Joe Biden is not a man who smiles and it showed. His expression appeared severely pained.

That was largely the definition of the Biden’s debate performance. He laughed uproariously while Paul Ryan spoke of unemployment, war, and the future of the country. Paul Ryan was his usual self: open, honest, intelligent, and gracious. The contrast could not have been clearer.

It seems Biden was sent on a mission to try to annoy Ryan or something like that. He interrupted Paul Ryan around 80 times, and spent much of the time laughing inappropriately.

Biden’s night was full of grossly bad acting, but I suspect that his base, at least, was happy. He was boorish and that’s just what they wanted. Somehow, I do not think the rest of the country feels the same way.

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October 12, 2012 at 9:07 am Comment (1)

Obama is the Six Trillion Dollar Man

This is a new rap from Justin Charters about the Obama presidency. Christine O’Donnell’s PAC, ChristinePAC, put out this video recently, and it is going viral at the moment. The “Six Trillion Dollar Man” is a reference to the seventies show “The Six Million Dollar Man” and the debt spending that has occurred in the last four years.

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October 10, 2012 at 1:28 pm Comments (0)

Glen Shulfer’s Latest Song, “Obama Gotta Go”

Listen to the latest music from musician and song writer, Glen Shulfer. Glen is a fellow Wisconsinite and has written a number of political songs since the unions started attacking Governor Scott Walker.

Two of my favorites are “Union Man” and “America.” If you like these, take a look at his YouTube channel. He has many more. Glen Rocks!

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September 12, 2012 at 10:17 am Comments (3)

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