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Will Conservatives Destroy the Government?

Will conservatives refuse to pay their taxes? Will they refuse to comply with what they view as unjust laws? Will conservative states make good on threats to secede from the United States? These are just some of the ideas that are being talked about since the Supreme Court subverted the rule of law in the recent gay marriage rulings and the IRS acknowledged targeting TEA party groups.

Wednesday, the Supreme Court struck down the 1996 Defense Of Marriage Act that was passed by both houses of Congress and signed by the president. They simultaneously vacated a ruling on California’s Proposition 8, which defined marriage as one man and one woman. Proposition 8 was voted on and passed by a direct referendum and DOMA was passed by the elected representatives of the people. This has many conservatives asking whether democracy matters anymore.

They wonder why they should respect any law, when the courts and elected leaders do not. They wonder why they should follow the laws of a government that unfairly and openly targets them and persecutes them. They wonder how such a government can maintain its legitimacy or whether it should. In short, many are asking if this is the time to end it all and disband the United States.

How bad is it? It was so bad that when the rulings were announced, even justices on the Supreme Court were outraged. With regard to the DOMA ruling, Justice Antonin Scalia declared the end of democracy:

In his blistering dissent on the DOMA decision, Scalia said the self-governing power of the people has been eroded. He described the “assertion of judicial supremacy over the people’s representatives in Congress and the executive” as “jaw-dropping.”

In the ruling on California’s Proposition 8, Justice Kennedy expressed a similar sentiment:

Their reasoning drew a testy dissent from Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, a Sacramento native, who wrote that the decision “disrespects and disparages” California’s political process — a staple of which is the ballot initiative.

The court, Kennedy wrote, did “not take into account the fundamental principles or the practical dynamics of the initiative system in California.”

How long the country can go on when even the members of the Supreme Court feel this way remains to be seen.

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June 28, 2013 at 9:37 am Comments (0)

Gay Pride Parades, Perversions, and Killing Gays with Kindness

If you look at the gay “community” for any length of time, you can’t help but come to the conclusion that homosexuality is an unnatural and dangerous perversion. As gay groups and sympathizers, who want to push for gay marriage, try to put forward this wholesome image of homosexual couples who are just like everyone else, it is impossible to escape the reality that they are not.

Gay pride parades organizers claim to be seeking to make the world safe for gay people to live. They aren’t. They are looking for a platform to expand their legions of perversion. They want recruits, and young ones too.

You don’t believe it? Do you think gay pride parades are about pride? Ask yourself why the gay pride parades are so much different than others.

We have Veteran’s Day and Labor Day parades for veterans and labor groups; neither of which features guys writhing in their underwear or simulating group sex acts. We would not allow them on our streets if they did. In contrast, almost every gay pride parade features perversions of those types or worse.

Why can’t homosexuals have a parade without turning it into an orgy? The only sensible conclusion is that gay people are, by and large, mentally ill. Psychology groups have been pressured into reclassifying homosexuality as normal, but it isn’t.

Homosexuals make up 2-3% of the population but a large and disproportionate amount of bondage, casual sex, porn, sadomasochism, and drug use. For example, the rate of meth use among gay men has been reported to be 20 times the rate of the general population:

Roughly one of every 10 men who have sex with men reported using meth within a six-month period, according to a 2005 study cited by the L.A. County Department of Public Health in a report this week. That frequency is about 20 times greater than in the general population, Fielding said.

Programs exist to help get gay men get off drugs and prevent HIV, but they are mostly unsuccessful because they don’t address the underlying deviancy: Homosexuality. AIDS grew among gay men precisely because their behavior; getting together in bathhouses with a bunch of strange men to exchange bodily fluids is a prescription for disaster:

At the club, there were plenty of condoms for the taking, courtesy of the management, but in conversations with a dozen patrons who acknowledged using crystal, only two men said they were following the rules of engagement in the age of AIDS. ”Some guys just throw you out of the room if you pull one out,” said one of the men, James, who, like everyone else, would not give his full name. ”To them, rubbers are a killjoy.”

Homosexuality is the disease that must be cured. Tolerance has become the misguided prescription for every ill. Homosexuality is like obesity. We talk about the acceptance of fat people and say that big is beautiful as they eat themselves into an early grave. Homosexuality is no different; it kills. Tolerance has become the cruelty that kills with kindness.

We create lies and say that obesity and homosexuality are genetic and that there is nothing we can do to cure them. It’s a lie. Behavior is always changeable. Fat people can eat less and work out more. Gay men can stop going to bathhouses. The answers are easy, even if the actions are difficult.

However, there are those who don’t want to see an end to homosexual degeneracy. They claim that people who don’t accept homosexuality as normal are intolerant and mean. It is the exact opposite.

When we see a gay person, we see a person in trouble who is in need of rescue. Is it kindness to encourage behavior which you know will likely lead to drug use, promiscuity, and an early grave? Or is it kinder to tell homosexuals to change their behavior and save themselves?

The truth is that if you really hated gay people, you would encourage them to continue doing what they are doing.

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June 23, 2013 at 10:34 pm Comments (9)