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Father of Scientific Climatology Denies Man-made Global Warming

Reid Bryson, the “Father of Scientific Climatology,” has spoken out many times against the claims of the so-called “consensus” of man-made global warming. He was the first director of the Institute for Environmental Studies at the UW-Madison. In the interview below, Reid Bryson challenges both the accuracy of the climate models and the claim that carbon-dioxide is the primary driver of climate.

October 21, 2011 at 11:35 pm Comments (0)

Mathematician and Computer Scientist, Herman Cain, Opposes Global Warming Hoax

Herman Cain graduated from Morehouse College with a B.S. in Mathematics, and he went on to get a Masters in Science from Purdue in Computer Science. He worked for many years in Mathematics and Computer Science positions before moving into management.

In fact, he is easily the most qualified politician to speak on matters of science. Herman Cain’s vast education and experience in science stands in stark contrast to the self-proclaimed defenders of science, like Jon Huntsman, who dropped out of high school.

With respect to man-made global warming, Herman Cain has said:

Man-made global warming is poppycock. . . . I don’t believe in it. If people look at the real data, the climate has varied ever since we have known that the planet was here.

Herman Cain’s remarks were made during an interview on Mark Levin’s show (clip below).

October 21, 2011 at 1:24 am Comment (1)

Anti-Science: NASA’s Green Oral Histories

President Obama recently cancelled the NASA space exploration program called Constellation. The program was initiated under President Bush to take astronauts back to the Moon and eventually to Mars. Instead, this program is history and Barack Obama has increased funding for other NASA programs, which include Climate Science and “Green” Aviation.

The environmental movement is at its heart anti-scientific as the oral history examples in the video serve to illustrate. Currently, NASA is moving sharply off of its stated goal of space exploration and scientific discovery and is quickly becoming a tool for a regressive environmentalist agenda. How do oral histories aid space exploration? Why has NASA become the Native American Storytelling Administration?

The document that gives an overview of the NASA budgets can be found here. We also have a link for the article that describes the Native American oral histories project: “Where Words Touch the Earth.”  Finally, NASA’s article on the difference between weather and climate is here.

May 4, 2010 at 4:11 am Comments (0)

A New Video About Hiding the Global Temperature Decline

The No Cap and Trade Group has released a new video about the scientific scandal where scientists, Michael Mann and others, used statistically faulty methods to create the illusion of a significant recent global warming in the temperature data. Michael Mann’s methods were initially shown to be statistically suspect by McIntyre and McKitrick. However, the information from a more recent release of emails (The Climategate Scandal) indicates that the faulty reconstruction was intentional. This video is extremely good at illustrating exactly what happened with the data and temperature reconstructions. It’s very accessible and shockingly informative for a parody song!

April 27, 2010 at 7:51 pm Comments (0)

NASA’s Green War Against Technology

On their site, NASA states its mission as this:

“NASA’s mission is to pioneer the future in space exploration, scientific discovery and aeronautics research.”

However, it appears that the once-great National Aeronautics and Space Administration has become the National Anti-Science Administration. Recent budget cuts by President Obama have cancelled the NASA Constellation program, which would have returned NASA to the moon, and replaced it with some other missions that are far less likely to happen, like going to Mars or an asteroid. According to some, the Constellation program was behind schedule and over budget. Obama’s elimination of the Constellation program drew criticism from the famous astronaut Neil Armstrong and others who maintain that the move is a setback for space exploration.

One could argue that the program had problems, but think about it for a moment. If NASA cannot get us back to the moon, do they have any hope at all of getting us to Mars? Perhaps the problems with Constellation aren’t so much with the program as they are with the organization itself. For years now, NASA has been running less as an organization dedicated to space exploration and more as an advocate for a return to the Bronze Age.

Instead of making scientific discoveries, they have been pushing the anti-scientific agenda of the far-left environmental movement: the Global Warming Hoax. In the name of global warming, environmentalists are pushing restrictions on fuel consumption and limits on the exploration of oil reserves. Just as their previous scare tactics left us behind many other countries in the development of nuclear power, the current anti-carbon crusade threatens to strangle our development indefinitely, and with it NASA.

For what does space exploration require more than anything? Fuel. NASA seems less concerned about exploring space and more concerned about returning the world to wind and solar power. Wind and solar? Now, that’s old technology; it even predates the discovery of fire. This is their plan for the future.

It’s not surprising that we’ve heard little from NASA lately about its space exploration. Instead, we’ve been hearing from James Hansen, the director of Nasa’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, about how we are destroying the planet with SUVs. They have been right about nothing in this regard. By all indications, even their measurements, the Earth was no warmer in 2009 than it was in 1998. In other words, there was no warming for the last decade. Of course, they spin it differently and conclude that it’s even worse than we had thought.

Their homepage currently boasts “NASA Celebrates 40th Anniversary of Earth Day ” and contains various links to other global warming junk. Much of the website, in fact, is filled with global warming and climate change garbage. It has  been for some time. Much of their supposedly scientific work has been an effort to prop up the global warming scare with a mountain of scientific mumbo jumbo. If we are to believe NASA in this regard, then we believe that they have the ability to model an incredibly sophisticated web of forces that drive climate: from the oceans to the cosmos. If we are to believe NASA, we believe that they understand far beyond the bounds of any other humans the complex workings of numerous various branches of sceince, like physics, geology, mathematics, computer science, astronomy, etc. If we are to believe NASA, then we are fools. For it is obvious now that NASA, far from having a godlike understanding of science, cannot even make it back to the moon: a mission accomplished over four decades ago.

The sad fact is that NASA has now reduced itself to outright advocacy for a regressive anti-technological lifestyle. Goodbye “space exploration!” Goodbye “scientific discovery and aeronautics research!” NASA’s new mission is the rediscovery of oral history and, perhaps, fire–unless these prove to be too advanced for them. RIP NASA.

April 26, 2010 at 6:33 am Comments (0)

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