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Is Donald Trump Secretly Helping Hillary Clinton?

Trump and Hillary

When Donald Trump first began his run for the presidency, it came to light that Hillary Clinton attended his wedding. Then it came out that Donald Trump called the Clintons to talk just before he started his run for the presidency in August 2015. All of this was quite suspicious, but when I saw this video of Trump praising Clinton’s performance as Secretary of State and supporting a potential run for the presidency, something hit me–a flashback to earlier times–Bill Clinton’s presidential races in the 1990s.

It occurred to me that Trump has also run or talked about running for president before, but he didn’t run in 2012. He talked about it, and seemed to have the election locked up at one time. That was a little odd because Clinton did not run in 2012 either. It makes sense that Clinton didn’t run because the democrats had a sitting presidential candidate. However, there is no similar reason that Trump didn’t run as a republican, especially with the lead that he had in the polls.


Then another thought came to me from decades past. When Bill Clinton ran in 1992 and 1996, Ross Perot also ran. Isn’t it strange how fortune seems to shine on the Clintons and hands them a crazy billionaire candidate to split the vote and help them win? How odd it is that these candidates never spring up otherwise.

That isn’t all. In 1992 when Ross Perot ran, he also dropped out of the race for a while, right after Bill Clinton accepted the nomination and was riding high in the polls. He jumped back in later, perhaps when Clinton failed to dominate the race. In the end, Perot got 19% of the vote gave Clinton the election by running a conservative, populist campaign. He did the same in 1996 for Bill Clinton’s reelection.

Hillary Clinton explained her relationship to Donald Trump his way.

For conservatives who are thinking about voting for Trump, there is a great deal to consider. Donald Trump has a long history of supporting liberals and liberal causes.

The video below is a set of clips of liberal statements by Trump that has been collected by an opposition PAC. It is bound to create serious doubts issues for conservatives.

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January 24, 2016 at 9:46 pm Comments (0)

Planned Parenthood Sells Aborted Baby Body Parts in Undercover Video


( — A video released by The Center for Medical Progress shows a doctor from Planned Parenthood discussing the sale of baby organs that she harvests from partial-birth abortion procedures. As she casually eats a salad, she details the procedures that she uses to procure intact organs from aborted babies, including hearts and livers.

The first video is a short, edited version. The second is the full 3 hour video. The beginning of the edited video is taken from a similar story in 2000. The later restaurant footage was recorded on July 25, 2014.

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July 16, 2015 at 10:32 pm Comments (0)

Traditional Marriage: Biology, Not Bigotry


Even from a secular viewpoint, traditional marriage is distinct and more important for society than same-sex “marriage.” It is the basis for civilization and the continuation of society. This is simply biology, not bigotry–as the supporters of same-sex ‘marriage’ charge. Watch the video below and leave a comment for us.

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July 2, 2015 at 8:54 pm Comments (0)

Not Alone: Catholic Vote’s Christian Message on Marriage

Catholic Vote’s latest video on the nature of marriage. This video, Not Alone, is an answer for those looking to keep the faith: Marriage is between one man and one woman.

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June 30, 2015 at 10:14 pm Comments (20)

Why Christian Boycotts Could Destroy Angie’s List and Apple


Indianapolis, IN, April 3, 2015 (AcuteMania.Net) — After the governor of Indiana, Mike Pence, signed the recent religious freedom bill into law (Religious Freedom Restoration Act, or RFRA for short), gay activists and their sympathizers threatened the state with boycotts and a few companies threatened to pull their business out of the state.

Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple who recently announced that he is gay, attacked the law furiously; this is not surprising considering that Apple has removed Christian Apps from its App Store in the past. Angie’s List, a local business review website, also threatened to cancel a new expansion in Indiana.

In response, the FRC and the AFA have called for conservatives to boycott Angie’s List and many conservative media outlets have picked up the story. Some people will claim that boycotts do not work, but this one could be particularly devastating.

Angie’s List relies on reviews to create content. This could make the situation for Angie’s List very problematic in Indiana, where they have attacked the state, but also in other conservative states. If people refuse to review services and companies for Angie’s List, the company will no longer have a functional business model.

Likewise, even though Apple has probably angered Christians in the past, this issue is likely to add fuel to the fire. This is something that Christians will not soon forget. Christians may have been unwilling to use economic threats in the past. However, Christians now understand that companies like Apple will extend no such courtesy to them.

Apple and Angie’s List are particularly vulnerable to boycotts because they both rely heavily on their brand. Apple has always charged excessively for its products, and it has been able to do so because of the perceived value of its brand. Once that magic is lost, it is lost forever. Likewise, Angie’s List exists on the belief in the unbiased quality of its reviews. With the company’s bias now revealed, its reviews will lose their magic.

Christian boycotts are particularly bad because Christians are very dedicated people. Their boycotts are not like Elton John’s boycott, which failed within a day. Their good opinion once lost is lost forever, and they will not be back.

At this point, Apple has tons of money and market share. However, its tablet is already losing sales revenue. Its phone has viable, and cheaper, competitors, like the Android and Windows devices. So, the question really comes down to whether Christians are serious about a boycott. If so, oxygen pouring into the competition could give it enough power to defeat Apple at some point in the future.

Even if a boycott does not destroy a company, it can definitely hasten a decline as it is doing with the Firefox browser.

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April 3, 2015 at 9:34 pm Comments (0)

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