Join the Ron Paul Crackpot Resolution!
Are you a crackpot, kook, or just a grumpy old dude? Then you need to join the Ron Paul Resolution! Our resolution for this election cycle is to support the craziest candidate in the race, Ron Paul. From 9-11 truth to the New World Order to the Trilateral Commision and beyond, if there’s a kooky conspiracy theory out there, Ron Paul will believe it.
Don’t just fight the power! Make up stories about it and tell them to your friends . . . or any other whack job who will listen. This election cycle, help snatch defeat from the jaws of victory with the Ron Paul Resolution. Click on the image below to get your full-sized Ron Paul Resolution image and help spread the word!
January 6, 2012 at 1:53 pm
March 21, 2013 at 10:05 pmjakec
|Talk about desperation. Get a life, you buffoon.