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Jim Holperin Sunk Our Battleship! »« There’s a Jim Holperin in the Budget!

The Real Jim Holperin

Who is the real Jim Holperin? He’s a State Senator who ran to Illinois in order to hold up a budget vote and block our representatives from passing a balanced budget. Members of Tea Party caught up with Rockford Jim in Illinois, as you can see in the video below.

Meanwhile, the people who Rockford Jim Holperin was really representing, the unions, were costing Wisconsinites approximately 8 million dollars in damages and security costs with their protesting. The breakdown of costs is given here. By the way, notice how the Associate Press buries the real cost totals behind a misleading headline.

To find out about Rockford Jim’s legislative accomplishments, check out, where we found the footage of Jim’s glorious return to the Capitol and his union buddies.

August 9, 2011 at 11:26 am
  • May 27, 2016 at 10:41 am

    mówiła o tym, że 75m zrobili w ciągu pierwszych 3 dni. teraz zrobili już znacznie więcej. starają się najlepiej tam podjechać i zobaczyć. zaczęli od strony julianowskiej. mieszkańcy XXIw póki co, są zadowoleni, że budowa ruszyła i jak na razie nie zgłaszają żadnych nieprawidłowości. jestem z nimi w stałym kontakcie.

  • September 19, 2015 at 7:54 amSteven

    I’m not easily imspesred. . . but that’s impressing me! 🙂
