The Herman Cain Story: Is the Liberal Media Dead?
It has been 10 days since the liberal Politico broke the story of sexual harassment allegations against Herman Cain. Since then, the media has been churning out story after story with unsubstantiated allegations against Cain and reports about how his campaign is over. In fact, The Economist is reporting today that the Herman Cain is no longer the front-runner. They are of course lying, as usual.
New polls out today show Herman Cain leading the race in Florida for the first time in the race. He also leads in Ohio and is now tied with Romney in Pennsylvania. In other words, the allegations have not hurt Cain, and may have even helped him. There’s a reason.
Herman Cain has been married 43 years. He has no history of infidelity; unlike Bill Clinton whose affairs were many and proven. With Cain there is no smoke and no fire. The leftist media is wondering why conservatives don’t believe the allegations against Herman Cain, and the answer is simple: everyone knows they are false, even the left. We also know that the left-wing media is out to lynch any conservative black person.
Despite the fact that the charges are so obviously false, the left-wing media expects us to believe them. They hope that if they can repeat the charges enough times that we will come to think they must be true. They believe that if they say that Herman Cain’s poll numbers are slipping, it will magically happen. Neither of these has happened, and the only thing that the media is doing is showing their growing irrelevance. This is the day that the liberal media cried “wolf” and nobody came.
By the time this story runs its course, virtually no one will believe anything in the left-wing media, including liberals.
November 10, 2011 at 11:57 am Comment (1)